In the spotlight

EAHAD PT Committee Letter to the Editor published in Haemophilia

In October 2020, the EAHAD Physiotherapists Committee published in Haemophilia a letter to the editor titled “Comprehensive care on paper only? The challenge for physiotherapy provision in day to day haemophilia practice”. The Committee called upon funders, medical professionals, centre directors and patient organisations to collaborate in the development and enhanced provision of physiotherapy care.


The committee members, together with the CEO of the Irish Haemophilia Society, Brian O’Mahony, asked clinicians to look into new ways of working with physiotherapists, learning from each other and understanding how the two roles can raise the quality of patient care. They advised that services should be co‐designed with people with haemophilia to make sure that what matters to them is produced, and proposed that fellow physiotherapists are provided with the necessary tools to learning and development opportunities. For the authors, only by fully integrating physiotherapy into care provision, it can truly be called comprehensive.


Access to the article is free. It can be consulted here