In the spotlight

Awards given for top Poster & Oral Abstracts at EAHAD 2019

At the EAHAD 2019 Congress, in Prague, Czech Republic we had the great opportunity to honour contributions made to the field of bleeding disorders. On the final day of the meeting, Friday 8 February, awards were given out to the top poster and oral abstract presentations.


Top poster presentations


1. P275 – Congenital factor XIII deficiency: Demographic and clinical description of the French cohort from the FranceCoag network: S. Bouttefroy et al.
2. P207 – In the presence of emicizumab, factor VIIa activation of factor IX contributes to factor Xa generation: D. M. Monroe et al.
3. P049 – Revised pharmacokinetics of Benefix: B. Tardy et al.


Top oral abstract presentation


• OR08 – Intracranial haemorrhage in haemophilia – A systematic review: A. F. Zwagemaker et al.


For a full list of the poster presentations, you can click here
For a full list of the oral presentations, you can click here